Giuseppe Burdo


NYU ITP summer camp

In June I've been attending many classes from fabrication to soft circuits, pcb design, projection mapping. Meanwhile I further developed my two ongoing projects: cityBoarding and Kandinsky using the New York University facilities, mainly laser cutter and 3D printing and some CNC cutting.

I used a makerbot of the first type. 3D printers are great for prototyping but also non very precise and sometimes fragile, at least the less professional ones.

I built my own magnetite ink following the tutorial on the openmaterials website

I've been always fascinated by CNC but it doesn't look like the easiest tool to use. Luckily, I had some help from the ITP staff in order to build my own mixer adapter for the magnetic ink.

my own mixer for 100ml MUJI bottles

d3.js introduction

high quality finish for metals and wood at lathe

MadMapper, very easy software to get started with projection mapping

few screenshots about the PCB process. The circuits is against the mosquitos through ultrasonic frequencies :)

a pleasure to have Daniel Shiffman as Processing teacher

sewing directly from Adobe Illustrator

hand crafted soft circuit with led, battery and switch.

Some playing with tinkerkit. It's easier compared to Arduino because you don't need to make circuits for real, but worry only about the code.

The only laser cut is fairly easy, the only issue is to avoid to burn the material. Meanwhile the etching is much more interesting because it's possible to map a full grayscale to the power of the laser.

physical circles, laser cut

those are the physical circles for a kandinsky interactive mockup, meanwhile I envision some possibilities with the only magnets. I like the way it "responds" to the user interaction, so I'm going to develop it further.